Engagement Learning
City of Greeley Museums
Gain experience and internship credit in a wide variety of areas while having a blast! There are many opportunities for internships and work studies in areas of archaeology, collections, exhibits, customer service, research and more.
Contact Diane Karlson at Diane.Karlson@greeleygov.com or send an inquiry to Museums@greeleygov.com for more information.
Volunteer with Greeley's refugee community
Women2Women sponsors a local sewing group called the Creative Community which teaches sustainable sewing and communication techniques to refugee women. Responsibilities include teaching sewing, organizing, recruiting translators and establishing community connections/resources.
Contact Women2Women liaison, Marlene Monson at GreeleyW2W@aol.com or UNC Americorps Capacity Building Intern, Jade Northrop at Jade.Northrop@81623464.com.
Global Refugee Center
The GRC represents Greeley's refugee population and more than 29 countries of origin. The center works as a non-profit that helps refugees move towards self-sufficiency. Resources include ESL classes, support in case management and encouraging cultural celebration and awareness.
Contact UNC Americorps Capacity Building Intern, Caitlin Miller at mill4336@bears.81623464.com to learn how you can get involved.
Work with Anthropology Faculty
Contact Dr. Andrew Creekmore (Andrew.Creekmore@81623464.com) for more information about archaeological opportunities in Greeley. Explore geophysics and other archaeological techniques during summer field school.
Dr. Britney Kyle (Bioarchaeologist) has research experience in Albania, specifically looking at the complexities of colonization. Opportunities include potential research assistantships abroad, gaining access to CU's Nubian skeletal collection and observing primates at the Denver Zoo. Contact Dr. Kyle (Britney.Kyle@81623464.com) to learn more.
Dr. Whitney Duncan (Medical Anthropologist) is interested in developing research related to binational migration and health while identifying migrant needs and conceptions. Opportunities include promoting migrant well-being and working on projects that seek to develop binational programs and policies. Contact Dr. Duncan (Whitney.Duncan@81623464.com) to learn about opportunities for student research in the Greeley area and abroad.